
Links between ontogeny and phylogeny in animals have been discussed for more than two centuries. With the uprising of molecular biology and bioinformatics, several studies have revealed the presence of the phylogeny-ontogeny correlation on molecular level in developmental transcriptomes of eukaryotic clades with complex multicellularity. These findings open a possibility to test the phylogeny-ontogeny correlation in more basal organisms, with more obscure development and multicellularity characteristics. Using time-resolved transcriptome and proteome profiles, this study showed that Bacillus subtilis biofilm ontogeny correlates with the evolutionary measures through recapitulation pattern, in a way that evolutionary younger and more diverged genes were increasingly expressed towards the later timepoints of the biofilm growth. Molecular and morphological signatures also revealed that biofilm growth is highly regulated and organized into discrete ontogenetic stages. Together, this suggests that the biofilm formation in Bacillus subtilis is a true developmental process comparable to organismal development in animals, plants and fungiKorelacija između filogenije i ontogenije životinja je predmet rasprave među znanstvenicima od početka 19. stoljeća. Razvojem molekularne biologije i bioinformatike te analizama transkriptoma razvojnih stadija, uočena je prisutnost korelacije filogenije i ontogenije na molekularnoj razini u eukariotskim evolucijskim granama sa složenom višestaničnosti. Ova saznanja potaknula su nas da testiramo korelaciju filogenije i ontogenije u bazalnim organizmima s nejasnim razvojnim i višestaničnim karakteristikama. Analizom transkriptomskih i proteomskih podataka, pokazali smo da ontogenija Bacillus subtilis biofilmova korelira s evolucijskim mjerama u obliku rekapitulacijskog profila, odnosno evolucijski mlađi i divergentniji geni su sve više eksprimirani prema kasnijim stadijima rasta biofilma. Dodatne molekularne analize pokazale su da je rast biofilma reguliran i organiziran u jasno odvojene stadije ontogenije. Zaključno, rezultati pokazuju da je rast Bacillus subtilis biofilmova istinski razvojni proces usporediv s razvojem životinja, biljaka i gljiva

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