Przyczynek do rozmieszczenia pluskwiaków różnoskrzydłych (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) w Polsce – IV


This paper continues a series of publications on the distribution of true bugs in Poland. It includes new faunistic data for 273 species of true bugs. In total, data on 33 species previously unreported in 14 zoogeographical regions of Poland are presented, including some rarely collected: Charagochilus spiralifer, Deraeocoris ventralis, Emblethis griseus, Emblethis denticollis, Liorhyssus hyalinus, Pyrrhocoris marginatus, Odontoscelis lineola, Stephanitis takeyai, Tytthus pygmaeus. Moreover, a food source, unusual for Pyrrhocoris apterus, was presented – the fresh carcass of a small rodent. It is also noteworthy that this paper was largely prepared using citizen science. Many people (non-specialists in Heterop-tera) collected data constituting almost 20% of the presented records. Notably, the true bugs recorded in this way include species very rarely collected in Poland and species alien to Polish fauna (e.g., Oxycarenus lavaterae and Halyomorpha halys). Due to the lack of funding being a significant obstacle to biodiversity studies in Poland, citizen science seems to be the only way to effectively monitor all the dynamic places in national entomofauna

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