Complex treatment including participation ii the psychological suport group in adolescents with diabetes mellitus type 1


Introduction: The maturation process in diabetic adolescents is characterized by an insufficient metabolic level. Maintaining normoglycemia is a necessity and it is expected from young people with Diabetes during developmental changes. The appearance of emotional disorders, as a result of this burden, inhibits their therapeutic activity. The aim of study is to present the concept and results of a complex treatment of diabetic adolescents who participated actively in the programme. Subjects and method: 30 adolescents (mean age 14.8 +/- 1.0), suffering from DM Type 1 (mean duration 4.3 +/- 2.9), treated with functional intensive insulinotherapy were subjects in study. The subjects forming a homogeneous psychotherapeutic group participated in the GCZDiM programme: Psychological Support Group for adolescents with DMT1 /PGS/. The aim of this programme was to help young diabetics recognize and cope effectively with situations that provoke unwillingness and to realize the therapeutic indications. The estimation of the complex treatment efficacy included a comparison of initial HbA1c and BMI with the values at the end of the study. Statistical analysis was performed using Student-t test (p0.05). Conclusions: Connection medical treatment and psychotherapy increases efficacy, efficiency of DM Type I treatment. The therapy method applying PGS is an effective element of general therapy in adolescents with DM Type 1

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