Trzy dystynkcje : o twórczości Adama Kaczanowskiego i problemach z jej recepcją


The article discusses three elements characteristic of the works of the poet, prose writer and performer Adam Kaczanowski, which resulted in the poor visibility of his achievements in the critical literary discourse after 2000. The first issue concerns the convention of “onirism, which stands firmly on earth” (or “wide realism”), which did not allow Kaczanowski to enter into the binary system “experience versus language” visible in the most important critical literary approaches of the last dozen or so years. The second issue is Kaczanowski’s critique of late capitalism ideology – the hero of this article touched upon this problem at a time when the economic situation favored primarily post-transformation, liberal and libertarian narrations. The third thread is related to the strategy of contesting the status quo: whereas from the late 1990s in the poetry and accompanying discourses the most popular category was irony, Kaczanowski used humor as a tool of subversion (both irony and humor are defined after Gilles Deleuze)

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