Microbial degradation of complex aromatic mixtures and analysis of biodegradation products using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
Ugljovodonici nafte i poljoprivredni lignocelulozni otpad neke su od najčešćih
zagađujućih supstanci u životnoj sredini, a zajednički im je složen hemijski sastav i
prisustvo velikog broja aromatičnih jedinjenja koja ispoljavaju toksične efekte. Cilj ove
disertacije bio je proučavanje razgradnje složenih smeša aromatičnih supstanci i to
aromatične frakcija dizel goriva D2 (AFD) i komine grožđa koja nastaje u procesu
proizvodnje vina. Za ispitivanje biodegradacije korišćena je sveobuhvatna
dvodimenzionalna gasna hromatografija sa masenom spektrometrijom (GCxGC-MS).
Za razliku od konvencionalne gasne hromatografije, ovom tehnikom se sa većom
rezolucijom razdvajaju analiti, pa je pogodnija za analizu složenih smeša...Petroleum hydrocarbons and agricultural lignocellulosic waste are some of the
most common environmental pollutants. They have a very complex structure and are
composed of a large number of different aromatic compounds that have toxic effects.
The aim of this dissertation was to study the degradation of complex aromatic
mixtures, namely diesel fuel D2 aromatic fraction (AFD) and grape pomace obtained
from the winemaking process. For the biodegradation analysis, comprehensive twodimensional
gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was used (GCxGC-MS).
Compared with conventional gas chromatography, this technique has a greater
separation resolution, thus, it is more successful in the analysis of complex mixtures..