Multi-criteria optimization of batch composition for the hydrometallurgical for the hydrometallurgical process of zinc production


Ova doktorska disertacija ima za cilj definisanje originalnog algoritma za formiranje optimalne mešavine od raspoloživih koncentrata cinka, kroz sedam koraka, postupnim uvoĎenjem pojedinih metoda višekriterijumskog pristupa odlučivanju, u cilju definisanja integralnog modela za rangiranje pojedinih komponenti u mešavini i višekriterijumske optimizacije sastava šarže, kao inputa u tehnološki proces. Definisan je originalni AHP – OEW – PROMETHEE (GAIA) – TOPSIS model u fazi okruženju. Ovaj model zasnovan je na poreĎenju različitih koncentrata cinka prema kriterijumima koji su definisani u modelu (korisne komponente, štetne komponente, kao i nabavna cena koncentrata). Za rangiranje pojedinih vrsta koncentrata u sastavu šarže, korišćena je PROMETHEE (GAIA) metodologija, uz primenu AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) i OEW (Objective Entropy Weight) pristupa u dodeljivanju težinskih parametara kriterijumima. UvoĎenjem hibridnog modela F-PROMETHEE (Fazi PROMETHEE), vrednosti svake alternative u odnosu na kriterijume, predstavljene su kao fazi brojevi. U postupku definisanja Fazi TOPSIS metodologije, odreĎena su fazi pozitivna i fazi negativna idealna rešenja. Zatim, odreĎene su distance svih alternativa od idealno pozitivnog i idealno negativnog rešenja, što je omogućilo da se odrede relativne blizine idealnom rešenju za svaki od definisanih scenarija. Definisani hibridni model na primeru optimizacije sastava šarže za hidrometalurški postupak dobijanja cinka, predstavlja poboljšanje pristupa u rešavanju problema mešavine i kao takav može biti primenjen i na druge sisteme, s obzirom da u sebi sadrži elemente koji se mogu primeniti na bilo koji drugi sistem.This doctoral dissertation is dealing with the development of original algorithm for optimal mixture formation from available zinc concentrates, through seven steps, by introduction of certain methods of multi-criteria decision making approach, in order to define an integrated model for ranking the individual components in the mixture and multi-criteria optimization of the batch composition, as input in the technological process. The original AHP – OEW – PROMETHEE (GAIA) – TOPSIS model in the fuzzy environment is defined. This model is based on a comparison of different zinc concentrates according to the criteria defined in the model (useful components, harmful components, as well as the purchase price of concentrate). PROMETHEE (GAIA) methodology was used for the ranking of certain types of concentrates in the batch composition, by application of the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) and the OEW (Objective Entropy Weight) approach in the allocation of the weight parameters for the optimization criteria. With the introduction of the hybrid Fuzzy PROMETHEE model, the value of each alternative in relation to the criteria, are presented as fuzzy numbers. In the process of defining the Fuzzy TOPSIS methodology, fuzzy positive and fuzzy negative ideal solution were determined. Then, the distances of all the alternatives from ideal positive and ideal negative solutions were determined, which enabled us to determine the relative closeness to the ideal solution for each of the defined scenarios. Defined hybrid model in the case of the batch composition optimization for the hydrometallurgical process of zinc production, represents an improvement of the approach for blending problem solving and as such can be applied to other systems, since it contains elements that can be applied to any other system

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