Electrochemical synthesis and characterization of poly(vinyl alcohol)/graphene nanocomposites with silver nanoparticles


Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je dobijanje srebro/polivinil-alkohol (Ag/PVA) i srebro/polivinil-alkohol/grafen (Ag/PVA/Gr) nanokompozita elektrohemijskom sintezom nanočestica srebra u PVA rastvoru, odnosno PVA/Gr koloidnoj disperziji. Elektrohemijska reakcija izvodi se pri galvanostatskim uslovima, pri čemu je količinu, oblik i veličinu nanočestica srebra (AgNPs) moguće kontrolisati izborom vrednosti gustine struje i vremena sinteze, te je međusobna zavisnost ovih parametara detaljno ispitana u ovom radu. Svojstva nanokompozita dobijenih u vidu koloidnih disperzija, filmova i hidrogelova ispitane su u cilju potencijalne biomedicinske primene...The goal of this doctoral dissertation is to obtain silver/poly(vinyl alcohol) (Ag/PVA) and silver/poly(vinyl alcohol)/graphene (Ag/PVA/Gr) nanocomposites by electrochemical synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) in the PVA solution, or PVA/Gr colloidal dispersion. The electrochemical reaction is performed under galvanostatic conditions, whereby the quantity, shape and size of the silver nanoparticles can be controlled by selecting the value of the current density and the time of the synthesis, and the relation between these parameters is thoroughly examined in this paper. The properties of the nanocomposites obtained in the form of colloidal dispersions, films and hydrogels were examined for potential biomedical application..

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