Determinante stavova i namera potrošača u pogledu kupovine domaćih i globalnih brendova


Prilikom kupovine velikog broja različitih kategorija proizvoda i usluga, potrošači imaju izbor koji uključuje brendove kako multinacionalnih i globalnih preduzeća, tako i domaćih. Osnovni cilj ove doktorske disertacije jeste analiza determinanti koje imaju uticaj na stavove i namere potrošača u pogledu kupovine domaćih i globalnih brendova. Konkretno, analiziran je uticaj karakteristika brendova, preduzeća i potrošača, na stavove i namere koje potrošači imaju u pogledu buduće kupovine navedenih vrsta brendova. U okviru karakteristika brendova, analiziran je uticaj percipirane vrednosti brendova, tj. kvaliteta, cene, prestiža i emocionalne vrednosti. Karakteristike preduzeća obuhvataju aktivnosti domaćih i globalnih preduzeća na društvenim mrežama, aktivnosti korporativne društvene odgovornosti i imidž preduzeća. Na kraju, u okviru karakteristika potrošača, analiziran je uticaj etnocentrizma, kosmopolitizma, materijalizma, nacionalnog identiteta i animoziteta potrošača. U skladu sa definisanim ciljem doktorske disertacije, formulisane su osnovne hipoteze istraživanja, koje se odnose na uticaj navedenih determinanti na stavove i namere potrošača u pogledu kupovine domaćih i globalnih brendova, kao i na uticaj stavova na namere, ali i namera na samu kupovinu ovih brendova. Radi testiranja formulisanih hipoteza, sprovedeno je empirijsko istraživanje na teritoriji Centralne Srbije, pri čemu su prikupljena 872 anketna listića. Testiranje hipoteza je izvršeno korišćenjem modela strukturalnih jednačina (SEM) i analize moderacijskog uticaja demografskih karakteristika potrošača na utvrđene veze u modelima istraživanja. Empirijsko istraživanje je ukazalo na brojne zaključke, u pogledu relacija između analiziranih pojedinačnih determinanti i stavova i namera potrošača. Naime, rezultati ukazuju da karakteristike brendova, preduzeća i potrošača utiču pozitivno i statistički značajno na stavove i namere ispitanika prema kupovini domaćih i globalnih brendova. Pored toga, istraživanje je pokazalo da stavovi potrošača utiču pozitivno na namere potrošača, kao i da namere potrošača utiču pozitivno na samu kupovinu domaćih i globalnih brendova. Navedeni rezultati impliciraju da su sve osnovne hipoteze u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji potvrđene. Sprovedeno istraživanje ima teorijske i praktične implikacije za poslovanje domaćih i globalnih preduzeća, koje se ogledaju u kreiranju strategije komunikacije i upravljanja odnosima sa potrošačima, kao i segmentacije tržišta. Osnovna ograničenja istraživanja se odnose na činjenicu da njime nisu obuhvaćene sve varijable koje mogu uticati na kupovinu domaćih i globalnih brendova, kao i da je ono sprovedeno na teritoriji jedne države. Ovo ujedno mogu biti i pravci budućih istraživanja, u kojima se mogu uključiti nove varijable i koje može biti realizovano u većem broju država.When purchasing a large number of different categories of products and services, consumers have a choice that includes brands from both multinational and global companies, as well as domestic ones. The main objective of this doctoral dissertation is to analyze the determinants that influence consumers' attitudes and intentions regarding the purchase of local and global brands. Specifically, the impact of brand, company, and consumer haracteristics on consumer attitudes and intentions regarding the future purchase of these types of brands was analyzed. Within the brand characteristics, the impact of perceived brand value, i.e. quality, price, prestige and emotional value. The characteristics of the companies include activities of local and global companies on social networks, corporate social responsibility activities and corporate image. Finally, within the consumer characteristics, the influence of ethnocentrism, cosmopolitanism, materialism, national identity and consumer animosity was analyzed. In accordance with the defined goal of the doctoral dissertation, basic hypotheses of the research were formulated, which relate to the influence of the above mentioned determinants on the attitudes and intentions of the consumers regarding the purchase of local and global brands, as well as the influence of the attitudes on the intentions, but also the influence of intentions on the purchase of these brands. In order to test the formulated hypotheses, an empirical survey was conducted in the territory of Central Serbia, in which 872 questionnaires were collected. Hypothesis testing was performed using structural equation modelling (SEM) and analysis of the moderating influence of consumer demographic characteristics on relationships in research models. Empirical research has led to a number of conclusions regarding the relationships between the analyzed individual determinants and consumer attitudes and intentions. More specifically, the results indicate that the characteristics of brands, companies and consumers have a positive and statistically significant influence on respondents' attitudes and intentions regarding the purchase of local and global brands. In addition, research has shown that consumer attitudes have a positive effect on consumers' intentions, as well as that consumers' intentions have a positive effect on the purchase of domestic and global brands. The aforementioned results imply that all the hypotheses in this doctoral dissertation are confirmed. The conducted research has theoretical and practical implications for the operations of domestic and global businesses, which are reflected in the creation of communication and customer relationship management strategies as well as market segmentation. The basic limitations of the research relate to the fact that it does not cover all the variables that may affect the purchase of local and global brands, and that it was conducted in the territory of a single country. This may also be a direction for future research, in which new variables can be included and can be implemented in a number of countries

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