Mutual relation of the concepts of ideology and hegemony


Питање односа појмова идеологије и хегемоније у савременим околностима има сасвим специфичан значај. Са једне стране, након фазе „повлачења“ идеологије или објављивања њене застарелости, на делу су различити облици њеног „повратка“, ипак у мање или више измењеном виду. Са друге стране, хегемони склоп у коме се одвија овај процес истовремено испољава хомогеност основних структурних момената савремених друштвених и политичких трансформација, али и аспекте фрагментације и дивергенције, што представља системски учинак напетости система, посредован специфичним савременим облицима односа идеологије и хегемоније. У оваквом оквиру, основна теза која се испитује је утицај процеса информатизације, односно преображајa медијско-информатичког апарата на идеолошко поље и структуре у репродукцији укупног хегемоног склопа. Полазећи од претпоставке да овај преображај утиче на све нивое и елементе односа идеологије и хегемоније, као и од рефлексивне структуре идеологије, водеће питање је фокусирано на нове идеолошке облике и промену њене улоге у укупној друштвеној репродукцији, као и на одговарајући категоријални склоп појмова који омогућују разумевање ових промена и преиспитивање улоге критичке културе. На основу ових претпоставки, општи поступак овог рада је кретање од апстрактних или „класичних“ одредаба појмова идеологије и хегемоније ка конкретнијим одређењима схваћеним у контексту репродукције актуелних облика симболичке и материјалне прозводње, односно идеолошке репродукције хегемоног склопа у коме се доминација претвара у вођство или у коме се, у сложеним механизмима или коњунктурама фабрикује консензус. Тај поступак се у сваком од главних поглавља састоји у критичком излагању појмовних одредаба идеологије и хегемоније, који акцентују материјалност, технолошку и практичку димензију ових појмова, односно релевантних становишта у контексту савремене трансформације њиховог односа, да би се прешло на критичко разматрање савремених рецепција тих одредаба и коначно на анализу феномена, односно битно нових облика односа идеологије и хегемоније. Први корак истраживања, на основу утврђивања адекватног категоријалног оквира у појмовима знања и моћи и излагања апстрактних одредаба идеологије и хегемоније, чије антиномије упућују на разрешење у конкретном историјском склопу, састоји се у излагању појмова „идеолошких апарата“ и интерпелације (према Лују Алтисеру), стандардне критике ових појмова и испитивања могућих одговора на критике. Други корак понавља овај поступак на појму хегемоније и сродним појмовима, као што су однос снага и позициони рат (према Антонију Грамшију), док трећи главни корак испитује категоријалне или појмовне промене у констелацији моћ-сила-насиље на основу структуре доминантног облика репродукције. Кретање подразумева посматрање односа форме и садржине идеолошког поља, односно праксе и структуре апарата, као и питање доминације идеолошких апарата у репродукцији хегемоније. У сваком од поменутих корака анализира се однос доминантних промена у идеолошком пољу и у целини хегемоног склопа и трага се за идеолошким претпоставкама критике идеологије. Поред главног резултата истраживања у потврђивању генералне хипотезе, кроз анализу структуре, улоге и порекла нових облика идеолошких и хегемоних структура, у раду се развија модел за обухватније разумевање савремених трансформација односа идеологије и хегемоније кроз диференцирање њихових појмова према категоријама сагласности и антагонизма, као и за разматрање артикулисаних алтернатива у и ван важећег односа идеологије и хегемоније.The question of relations of the concepts of ideology and hegemony in contemporary circumstances has a quite specific significance. On one hand, after the stage of “retreat” of ideology, or declarations of it being obsolete, there are various forms of its “return”, in more or less changed form, however. On the other, the hegemonic constellation in which this process develops, simultaneously exhibits a homogeneity of basic structural moments of contemporary social and political transformations, but also the aspects of fragmentation and divergence, representing the systematic effect of the system tension, mediated by the specific contemporary forms of relation between ideology and hegemony. Within this frame, the basic thesis is the influence of the process of informatization, or of the transformation of the media-informatical apparatus on the ideological field and structures within the reproduction of the overall hegemonic configuration. Starting from the preposition that this transformation effects all the levels and elements of the relation between ideology and hegemony, as well as the reflexive structure of ideology, the leading question is focused on new ideological forms and the change of the role of ideology within the complete social reproduction, as well as the adequate categorical set of concepts which enable the understanding of these changes and re-evaluation of the role of the culture of critique. Based on these prepositions, the general procedure of this paper is moving from abstract or standard features of the concepts of ideology and hegemony towards more concrete characteristics. These characteristics are comprehended within the context of reproduction of actual forms of symbolic and material production, or ideological reproduction of hegemonic constellation, in which the dominance is turned into leadership, or in which a consent is fabricated, through complex mechanisms or conjunctures. This procedure, in every main chapter, consists of critical exposition of conceptual moments of ideology and hegemony, which accentuates materiality, technological and practical dimension of these concepts, or of the relevant viewpoints within the context of the contemporary transformation of their relation, turning to the critical consideration of the contemporary reception of these moments, and finally to the analysis of the phaenomena, or essentially new forms of relation between ideology and hegemony. The first step of the research, based on ascertaining the adequate categorical framework on the concepts of knowledge and power, and the exposition of abstract moments of the concepts of ideology and hegemony, whose antinomies point to the answer within the concrete historical configuration, is consisted of development of the concepts of “ideological apparatus” and interpellation (according to Louis Althusser), standard criticism of these concepts and exploring the possible answers to the criticism. The second step reiterates this procedure on the concept of hegemony and related concepts, like relation of forces and war of positions (according to Antonio Gramsci), while the third main step examines categorical or conceptual shifts within the set power-force-violence, based on structure of the dominant mode of reproduction. This passage encompasses the analysis of the relation between the form and content of ideological field, or the practice and the structure of the apparatus, as well as the question of dominance of the ideological apparatuses within the reproduction of hegemony. In each of the mentioned steps, the relation of the dominant changes within the ideological field and the complete hegemonic configuration is analyzed, in search of the ideological basis of the ideology critique. Beside the main result of the research, the confirmation of the general hypothesis through the analysis of the structure, role and origin of the new forms of ideological and hegemonic structures, a model is developed for a more comprehensive understanding of contemporary transformations of the relation between ideology and hegemony, through the differentiation of their concepts against the categories of consent and antagonism, as well as for considering of articulated alternatives within and outside the current relation of ideology and hegemony. Key words: The question of relations of the concepts of ideology and hegemony in contemporary circumstances has a quite specific significance. On one hand, after the stage of “retreat” of ideology, or declarations of it being obsolete, there are various forms of its “return”, in more or less changed form, however. On the other, the hegemonic constellation in which this process develops, simultaneously exhibits a homogeneity of basic structural moments of contemporary social and political transformations, but also the aspects of fragmentation and divergence, representing the systematic effect of the system tension, mediated by the specific contemporary forms of relation between ideology and hegemony. Within this frame, the basic thesis is the influence of the process of informatization, or of the transformation of the media-informatical apparatus on the ideological field and structures within the reproduction of the overall hegemonic configuration. Starting from the preposition that this transformation effects all the levels and elements of the relation between ideology and hegemony, as well as the reflexive structure of ideology, the leading question is focused on new ideological forms and the change of the role of ideology within the complete social reproduction, as well as the adequate categorical set of concepts which enable the understanding of these changes and re-evaluation of the role of the culture of critique. Based on these prepositions, the general procedure of this paper is moving from abstract or standard features of the concepts of ideology and hegemony towards more concrete characteristics. These characteristics are comprehended within the context of reproduction of actual forms of symbolic and material production, or ideological reproduction of hegemonic constellation, in which the dominance is turned into leadership, or in which a consent is fabricated, through complex mechanisms or conjunctures. This procedure, in every main chapter, consists of critical exposition of conceptual moments of ideology and hegemony, which accentuates materiality, technological and practical dimension of these concepts, or of the relevant viewpoints within the context of the contemporary transformation of their relation, turning to the critical consideration of the contemporary reception of these moments, and finally to the analysis of the phaenomena, or essentially new forms of relation between ideology and hegemony. The first step of the research, based on ascertaining the adequate categorical framework on the concepts of knowledge and power, and the exposition of abstract moments of the concepts of ideology and hegemony, whose antinomies point to the answer within the concrete historical configuration, is consisted of development of the concepts of “ideological apparatus” and interpellation (according to Louis Althusser), standard criticism of these concepts and exploring the possible answers to the criticism. The second step reiterates this procedure on the concept of hegemony and related concepts, like relation of forces and war of positions (according to Antonio Gramsci), while the third main step examines categorical or conceptual shifts within the set power-force-violence, based on structure of the dominant mode of reproduction. This passage encompasses the analysis of the relation between the form and content of ideological field, or the practice and the structure of the apparatus, as well as the question of dominance of the ideological apparatuses within the reproduction of hegemony. In each of the mentioned steps, the relation of the dominant changes within the ideological field and the complete hegemonic configuration is analyzed, in search of the ideological basis of the ideology critique. Beside the main result of the research, the confirmation of the general hypothesis through the analysis of the structure, role and origin of the new forms of ideological and hegemonic structures, a model is developed for a more comprehensive understanding of contemporary transformations of the relation between ideology and hegemony, through the differentiation of their concepts against the categories of consent and antagonism, as well as for considering of articulated alternatives within and outside the current relation of ideology and hegemony

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