Lathe tool life research in production environment during the orthogonal cutting


Obrada metala struganjem je jedan od najvažnijih proizvodnih procesa zato što pripremci dobijeni livenjem, kovanjem ili nekim drugim metodama obrade zahtevaju naknadnu obradu rezanjem kako bi se dobio finalni proizvod. U ovom radu, postavljen je nov model ortogonalnog rezanja koji pored sila za formiranje strugotine obuhvata i dodatne sile koje se javljaju usled trenja između leđne površine alata i obrađene površine – upotpunjen Merčantov model sila. Model sila rezanja obuhvata dva stanja alata: idealno oštar alat sa pripadajućim silama za formiranje strugotine i alat sa dozvoljenom širinom habanja na leđnoj površini sa porastima komponenata sila rezanja koji nastaju usled trenja između alata i obratka. Sile za formiranje strugotine i dodatne sile postavljene su tako da se na efikasan način može odrediti ugao trenja između leđne površine alata i obrađene površine što je od izuzetne važnosti za određivanje tangencijalnog napona na leđnoj površini alata, kao i porasta komponenata otpora rezanja. Na ovaj način se tačnije predviđa sila rezanja. U okviru disertacije razvijen je matematički model koji predviđa postojanost strugarskog noža u proizvodnim uslovima uzimajući u obzir korak, brzinu rezanja i širinu pojasa habanja leđne površine alata. Izvedena eksperimentalna istraživanja potvrdila su autentičnost postavljenog matematičkog modela, pri čemu se vrednosti dobijenih rezultata nalaze u okviru standardnih devijacija.Turning is one of the most important manufacturing operations because parts manufactured by casting, forming or other shaping process often require a further metal cutting operation before product is ready for use. In this paper, the orthogonal cutting force model is proposed comprising forces due to friction in addition to the forces for chip formation – completed Merchant’s force model. Cutting force model includes two tool conditions: perfectly sharp tool with accompaying forces for chip formation and tool with maximum permissible flank wear with accompaying forces generated due to the friction between tool flank and workpiece. Based on cutting force relationships between the wear (friction) forces and forces for chip formation, it is possible to analytically predict friction angle between the tool and workpiece. From pure geometrical relationships between forces the equation for the friction angle between the tool flank and workpiece can be derived, which is of the great importance in determining tangential stress at the tool flank surface and forces due to wear. In this way cutting forces are more accurately predicted. This work presents the development of mathematical model for prediction of the lathe tool life in the production environment taking into account feed, cutting speed and flank wear width. The series of experiments verified proposed mathematical models whereby the value of deviation of the results are within the standard deviation

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