Prognostic Models in Predicting Locall Advanced Bladder tumor


Tumori mokraćne bešike čine značajan deo urološke patologije. Radikalnu cistektomiju primenjujemo kod odmakle bolesti. Postoji značajna diskrepanca kliničkog određenja stadijuma karcinoma mokraćne bešike i patološkog stadijuma nakon radikalne cistektomije. Prediktivni modeli su važna sredstva u proceni verovatnoće proširenosti bolesti. Osnova su za formiranje nomograma sa kojima se na osnovu preoperativnih prediktora predviđa postoperativni stadijum bolesti. Prediktivni model se bazira na rezultatima binarne logističke regresije. Osim utvrđenja metrijskih karakteristika modela, njegove validnosti i kliničke korisnosti, procenjuje se i stepen slaganja sa modelima drugih istraživača. U radu se ispituju performanse postojećih modela predikcije uznapredovalog tumora MB na našoj populaciji bolesnika. Dobijeni originalni model predikcije je još jedan dijagnostičko prognostički alat pomoći u lečenju i predviđanju ishoda bolesti.Bladder tumors make a significant portion of urological pathology. Radical cystectomy is applied just with patient that are in advanced stage of disease.There is significant discrepancy between clinical diagnosis of the bladder carcinoma stage and pathological staging after radical cystectomy. It is for substantial importance to use predictive models in order to predict probability of spreading disease. They are most useful information to help prognoses postoperative stage of disease. Predictive model is based on binary logistical regression. Beside determination of metric caracteristic, validity and clinical usefulness of the model, we also predict a degree of corespodence with other resarchers models. This paper also examines performances of existing models to predict further advancing of advanced bladder carcinoma within our patients. Original, resulting model of prediction is another diagnostic and prognostic tool to help determine outcome of diseases and further patients treatments

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