Envoys of the Ruthenian voivodeships of the Crown to the Lublin Sejm in January and February 1569


The present study focuses on the attitudes of the noble envoys from the Ruthenian voivodeships of the Polish Crown (Ruthenian, Podolian, and Belz voivodeships) to the 1569 Sejm session that went down to history under the name of the Union Sejm of Lublin. Th e article completes the list of the noble representatives to the Sejm from the Ruthenian voivodeship. An analysis of preserved Sejm proceedings reveals the stances adopted by the envoys towards the union during the sessions in February 1569, before the incorporation of the provinces of Podlasie and Volhynia. Th e quoted statements of the representatives of these provinces made during the sessions of the Chamber of Deputies (the lower chamber of the Sejm) and joint sessions with the senators and the king demonstrate the diff erence of opinions on the union. Th e reference point for the majority was the stance of the representatives of the so-called upper voivodeships, especially the Cracow voivodeship. Worthy of special notice are the speeches of seasoned noblemen from the Ruthenian voivodeship, such as Mikołaj Sienicki and Walenty Orzechowski, showing diff erent visions of the union and emphasising some aspects of the noble political culture in the Ruthenian provinces of the Polish Crown

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