Универзитет у Новом Саду, Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања
Imajuci u vidu da je fizicka aktivnost ucenika na casovima fizickog vaspitanja nedovoljna, istraživanje je sprovedeno sa ciljem da se utvrdi od kojih cinilaca najviše zavisi fizicka aktivnost ucenika mladeg školskog uzrasta na casu fizickog vaspitanja. U istraživanje je bilo ukljuceno 272 ispitanika (127 decaka, 145 devojcica) trecih i cetvrtih razreda iz osnovnih škola sa teritorije grada Užica. Generalni cilj istraživanja, u skladu sa problemom i predmetom istraživanja, je ispitivanje doprinosa pojedinih personalnih, bihejvioralnih i socijalnih faktora fizickoj aktivnosti ucenika mladeg školskog uzrasta na casu fizickog vaspitanja. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da fizicka aktivnost roditelja (oceva), ima najvecu predikciju na fizicku aktivnost ucenika mladeg školskog uzrasta na casu fizickog vaspitanja. Zatim po prediktivnosti slede: motoricki status, fizicka aktivnost ucenika u slobodno vreme, morfološke karakteristike, fizicki self-koncept i motivacija.Bearing in mind that the physical activity of students in physical education classes is insufficient, research was conducted in order to determine the factors of which depends mostly on physical activity of younger school age students in the classroom physical education. The study included 272 subjects (127 boys, 145 girls), third and fourth grades of elementary schools in the town of Uzice. The general aim of the research, in accordance with the issue and the subject of research is to examine the contributions of individual personal, behavioral and social factors, physical activity pupils of younger school age at the time of physical education. The results show that physical activity of parents (fathers), has the highest prediction of the physical activity of younger school age students in the classroom physical education. Then, after the predictability follow: motor status, physical activity of students in his spare time, morphological characteristics, physical selfconcept and motivation