Development and diagnostics of atmospheric plasma jet and application on biological samples


Poslednjih desetak godina plazma mlazevi privlače veliku pažnju istraživača širom sveta zbog interesantnih fizičkih fenomena koji su zapaženi zahvaljujući razvoju novih eksperimentalnih tehnika, a posebno brzih i osetlјivih laboratorijskih kamera. Za razliku od klasičnih strimera, koji se kreću stohastično u prostoru, plazma mlazevi, odnosno vođeni jonizacioni talasi, su visoko reproducibilni i kreću se u stubu radnog gasa. Zbog pojave emisije visokog intenziteta u glavi strimera neki autori su ih nazvali plazma „mecima“ da bi se kasnije došlo do naziva „Pulsed Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma Streams (PAPS)“. Takođe je primećeno da je brzina kretanja brzih jonizacionih paketa za nekoliko redova veličine veća od protoka radnog gasa...In the past ten years, the plasma jets have attracted great attention of researchers worldwide due to the interesting physical phenomena that have been observed thanks to development of new diagnostic techniques, especially the development of fast and sensitive laboratory cameras. Unlike the classical streamers, that are moving stochastically in space, plasma jets or guided ionization waves are highly reproducible trajectories and they are travelling in the column of buffer gas. Due to the emission of high intensity in the streamer and spherical head some authors have called them plasma “bullets” later on called „Pulsed Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma Streams (PAPS)“. It was also noted that the speed of fast ionization packages are several orders of magnitude greater than the working gas velocity..

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