Analisis Kesesuaian Daerah Asal Siswa Kelas X Dengan Sistem Zonasi Sekolah Menengah Atas Di Kota Tegal Tahun Ajaran 2022/2023


The government established a zoning system policy in the Admission of New Learners. The implementation of the zoning system is carried out by all State High Schools in Indonesia, one of which is Tegal City. Tegal City has 5 (five) State High Schools spread across the Tegal City area, three of which are located in one area, the area is the Kecamatan Tegal Timur. The schools, namely SMA N 1, SMA N 3, and SMA N 4. Other school is, namely SMA N 2 are located in Kecamatan Tegal Barat and SMA N 5 is located in Kecamatan Margadana. In Kota Tegal, lthere is an area that does not have a state high school, namely Kecamatan Tegal Selatan. The first purpose of this study to analyze the distribution pattern of students' origin, the second purpose is analyze zoning based on student distribution patterns, and the third goal to analyze the suitability of students' home areas. The research method for this study is a field survey with the population / object of research in 10th grade students in 5 (five) High School at Kota Tegal. The result of this study is that the distribution pattern of students' origins in The Horrified Senior High School shows a clustering pattern, students from Kecamatan Tegal Selatan have the opportunity to select the Admission of New Students for the Zoning Path, and the distribution of students origin according to the zoning system

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