Predmet istraživanja disertacije je utvrđivanje načina izrade i funkcije peći i ognjišta u
neolitu centralnog Balkana, zanemarenih u dosadašnjim istraživanjima. Cilj istraživanja,
pored definisanja tehnika korišćenih za izradu ognjišta i peći i njihove funkcije u ranom
i kasnom neolitu ovih prostora, jeste i sistematizacija tipova termalnih struktura.
Tehnike izrade predstavljaju društveno uslovljene kategorije i nemoguće je odvojiti ih
od ostalih kulturnih aspekata, te su u ovoj disertaciji ponuđeni potencijalni društveni
razlozi odabira konkretnih tehnika izrade.
Na osnovu podataka iz publikovane literature i nepublikovane terenske dokumentacije,
određeni su tipovi ognjišta i peći. U određivanju tehnika izrade, ključnu ulogu ima
pravilno detektovanje materijala od kojeg su izrađene strukture. Kod ognjišta, u
funkcionalnom smislu, odabir materijala ne predstavlja značajan podatak, dok je kod
peći krucijalan, pošto određuje njene akumulativne sposobnosti i način pripreme hrane.
Pretpostavlja se da su peći, između ostalog, služile za pripremu hleba. Pretpostavljene
tehnike izrade i upotreba, testirane su eksperimentalnom izradom i upotrebom ognjišta i
peći. Pored utvrđivanja tehnika izrade, rezultati eksperimenata su ukazali na mogućnost
pripreme dva različita tipa hleba – lepinja u ranom i hleba od kiselog testa u kasnom
Predložena je i nova metodologija iskopavanja peći, putem koje je moguće odrediti
tačne tehnike njene izrade. Primenom ove metodologije tokom iskopavanja peći sa
lokaliteta Vinča, utvrđeno je da je peć izrađena u tehnici pločica, tehnici koja do sada
nije razmatrana prilikom rekonstrukcija načina izrade vinčanskih peći.
Upoređivanje karakteristika termalnih struktura sa ostalim kulturnim aspektima,
pokazalo je da su na izbor tehnika izrade ognjišta i peći značajnu ulogu mogli imati
stepen mobilnosti u ranom i sedentarnosti u kasnom neolitu. Obradom ranoneolitskih
peći sa Lepenskog vira, utvrđen je jedinstven tip peći na Balkanu i šire, koji je mogao
biti posledica kulturnog kontakta između dve populacijeThe aim of this research, besides defining building techniques and usage of hearths and
ovens in the Early and Late Neolithic of this territory, is the systematization of thermal
structure types. Building techniques are social constructs and one cannot separate them
from other cultural aspects. With that in mind, this dissertation explores potential social
phenomena which influenced these technical choices.
Hearth and oven types were determined based on the data collected both from published
literature and unpublished field documentation. Accurate detection of thermal structure
building material plays the key role in the determination of building techniques.
Material type does not pay a significant role in hearth function, while it is crucial when
ovens are concerned. Oven material determines its ability to store heat, which affects its
performance in food preparation. It is supposed that ovens, inter alia, were used for
bread baking. Experimental hearths and ovens were made in order to test their assumed
building techniques and usage. Besides determining construction techniques and usage,
experiment results showed that during the Neolithic, two different bread types could
have been prepared – flatbread during the Early, and sourdough bread during the Late
New oven excavation methodology was proposed. This methodology allows the
archaeologists to determine exact building techniques used for oven construction. By
applying this methodology during the excavation of an oven from the site of Vinča, we
were able to detect its building technique. The oven was built in the slab technique,
which, up until now,was not considered as a Vinča culture oven construction method.
After comparing thermal structure characteristics with other cultural aspects, certain
social elements for hearth and oven technical choices emerged. These technical choices
could have been influenced by the higher mobility rate in the Early and the pronounced
sedentism in the Late Neolithic. At the site of Lepenski Vir, a unique oven type was
detected. This unique technical choice could have been a result of cultural contact
between two different population