Uticaj indeksa proliferacije KI-67 ćelijskih morfometrijskih paremetara na efekat hemioterapije cisplatinom kod pacijentkinja obolelih od karcinoma grlića materice


Cervical cancer is the third most common malignant tumor in the world. Cisplatin is the most commonly used chemotherapeutic agent in the treatment of cervical cancer and is now considered a medication of choice for locally advanced, metastatic and recurrent cervical cancers. To determine the therapeutic protocol in some cancers, it is necessary to determine the Ki-67 proliferation index (Ki-67 PI), while in the treatment of cervical cancer it is still novel. This prospective study included 59 subjects treated at the Clinical Center Niš, with locally advanced cervical cancer, in order to determine the relationship between the therapeutic response to cisplatin and Ki-67 PI, as well as the cell morphometric parameters of the cancer tissue. Survival time in cervical cancer patients is rising with an increase in Ki-67 PI values. The cut off value of Ki-67 PI was determined at 60%, which influenced the statistically significant survival of patients with cervical cancer and represented the sensitivity value of this cancer to chemotherapy with cisplatin. Of the examined cell morphometric parameters, the cell area, perimeter, circularity, Feret diameter, integrated optical density, whose values statistically significantly influenced the length of survival of the subjects, were singled out. Their common use achieves a more reliable prediction of the therapeutic response to cisplatin chemotherapy in patients with cervical cancer, which is the basis of individualization of therapy in these oncology patients

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