Psihopatološka odstupanja, stres i vremenske perspektive kod počinilaca krivičnih dela


Understanding and explanation of criminal behavior, as well as prediction of recidivism and the future of law offenders are possible through a multidisciplinary consideration, demanding exploration of possible connection between the profile and personality traits of law offenders with as many other variables as possible. The sample was convenient and it consists of 142 male prisoners from Penal and Correctional Facility in Nis. They are between 35 and 50 years old (average age = 39.7). Within this exploratory study, the main aim of research is to determine the existence of psychopathological personality traits of law offenders, to analyze facing and overcoming stress and dominant time perspectives, and their differences with working convicts and those that are not a part of a voluntary working activity during their term of imprisonment. Besides determining the psychological factors, the task is also checking the connection of socio-demographic variables with the stress management mechanisms, the dominant time perspective, and expectations from the future of the convicts. Through an innovative and interesting approach, combining multiple psychological fields, I got both theoretical and practically applicable contributions to science and psychological profession. Among other things, it can be seen that the connection between the variables and the possibility of prediction are the strongest with sub-sample of a prisoners with working commitment; those without working commitment have higher scores on the scale of psychopathological digression, and among them those who have been imprisoned for longer periods of time are more prone to hostility, paranoia and psychological issues, generally speaking. Considering the time perspective, among those with working commitment the most prominent is the attitude towards the future, and the statistically significant difference between those with working commitment and those without is on the scale of the fatalistic present to the benefit of the prisoners without working commitment, and especially those with longer prison sentences. Within the sample of the prisoners with working commitment there are many more significant correlations between time perspectives and stress facing strategies, and also perspectives with psychopathological indicators related to the convicts who do not work in prison. The results definitely show statistically significant connection of working commitment of the crime committers on one side, and psychopathological digression (both individually and through global index GSI), time perspectives and coping mechanisms on the other side

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