The investigation of plant species Alchemilla vulgaris L. and Satureja hortensis L: phytochemical profile and biological activity under in vitro and in vivo conditions : Ph. D. Thesis


REZIME: Predmet ove doktorske disertacije bila su fitohemijska i farmakološka ispitivanja biljnih vrsta Alchemilla vulgaris L. (familija Rosaceae) i Satureja hortensis L. (familija Lamiaceae), koje su prepoznate kao lekovite u tradicionalnoj medicini, ali su eksperimentalni podaci o njihovom hemijskom sastavu i biološkoj aktivnosti oskudni. Ciljevi ove studije bili su da se pomenute biljne vrste hemijski okarakterišu i da se procene njihovi biološki odgovori u in vitro i in vivo uslovima. Primenom hromatografije visokih performansi (UHPLC-DAD/(-)HESI-MS/MS) pokazano je da su metanolni ekstrakti nadzemnog dela i korena A. vulgaris i nadzemnog dela S. hortensis bogati fenolnim jedinjenjima, pre svega fenolnim kiselinama i flavonoidima. Elaginska kiselina predstavlja dominantno jedinjenje u ekstraktu nadzemnog dela A. vulgaris, dok je najzastupljenija komponenta ekstrakta korena iste biljke katehin-galat. Ruzmarinska kiselina, prisutna u koncentraciji 24,9 mg/g suvog ekstrakta, je jedinjenje u najvećem procentu prisutno u ekstraktu S. hortensis, u odnosu na ostala identifikovana jedinjenja iz grupe polifenola. Pored ovih jedinjenja, u analiziranim ekstraktima identifikovane su i veće količine flavona, flavanona, flavanola i njihovih derivata. Putem spektrofotometrijskih analiza, u ekstraktima je određen sadržaj ukupnih fenolnih jedinjenja, kao i pojedinih klasa polifenola. Rezultati pokazuju da su ispitivani ekstrakti veoma bogati ukupnim fenolnim jedinjenjima i da, aproksimativno, čine skoro više od trećine ekstrakata. Posebno se izdvajaju količine kondenzovanih tanina i fenolnih kiselina, dok je sadržaj monomernih i ukupnih antocijana u sva tri ekstrakta bio veoma nizak. U cilju procene antioksidativne aktivnosti, primenjeno je više različitih antioksidativnih testova u in vitro uslovima. Dobijeni rezultati pokazali su da se ekstrakti odlikuju visokom ukupnom antioksidantivnom aktivnošću. Uz to, ova tri ekstrakta su pokazala visok stepen neutralizacije DPPH i OH radikala, ABTS radikal katjona i inhibicije stvaranja lipidnih peroksida pri IC50 vrednostima nešto nižim ili u rangu onih dobijenih za dobro poznate prirodne (elaginska kiselina i katehin) i sintetske antioksidante (butilovani hidroksitoluen (BHT)). Pored toga, ekstrakti su pokazali i sposobnost redukcije feri jona, Fe3+, do fero oblika gvožđa, Fe2+. Međutim, ni jedan od tri analizirana uzorka ne pokazuje sposobnost heliranja jona metala.ABSTRACT: The aim of the presented Ph.D. thesis was to phytochemically and pharmacologically characterize two plants - Alchemilla vulgaris (family Rosaceae) and Satureja hortensis (family Lamiaceae), which have been applied as therapeutics in traditional medicine, but reports on their biological activity and chemical profile are scarce. Considering the mentioned, the main subjects of this Ph.D. thesis are a chemical analysis of the main compounds presented in these plants as well as their biological potential under both in vitro and in vivo conditions. The results obtained from high-performance liquid chromatography showed that methanol extracts of aerial parts and roots of A. vulgaris and aerial parts of S. hortensis are rich in phenolic compounds, especially in the phenolic acids and flavonoids contents. Ellagic acid has been identified as a main component in the aerial parts extract of A. vulgaris, while catechin-gallate was the major compound in the roots extracts from the same plant. Rosmarinic acid, presented in a high amount in the extract of aerial parts of S. hortensis (249 mg/g dry weight of extract) was the main active component of this extract. Among these compounds, other classes of phenolics, such as flavonols, flavones, flavanones, and their derivatives were also identified in all extracts. By spectrophotometric determinations, it can be concluded that the investigated extracts are rich in phenolic compounds – approximately one-third of all compounds in extracts were measured as polyphenols. Especially, the extracts possessed a significant number of condensed tannins and phenolic acids, while the content of anthocyanins (both monomeric and total) was negligible. Several methods have been applied in order to assess the antioxidant activity of A. vulgaris and S. hortensis extracts. High total antioxidant capacity was observed for all extracts. Besides, all tested extracts were found to possess strong ability to neutralize DPPH• и •OH radicals, ABTS•+ radical cation and to inhibit the lipid peroxidation process at IC50 concentrations similar or even lower than those obtained for well-known antioxidants from natural origin (ellagic acid and catechin) or synthetic antioxidants (butylated hydroxytoluene). Moreover, extracts showed pronounced ferric ion reducing power. However, the extracts did not show the ability to chelate transition metals

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