Mechanical properties of different muscle groups assessed with functional tests


Poznavanjem mehaničkih svojstava mišića može se bolje razumeti funkcionisanje lokomotornog aparata i proceniti uspeh u sportu i ishod rehabilitacije. Svakodnevna ljudska kretanja, odnosno prirodni oblici kretanja zasnivaju se na višezglobnim pokretima. Odnos između sile i brzine (F-V relacija) pri izvođenju višezglobnih pokreta je jedna od često proučavanih mehaničkih osobina mišića. Jedan od glavnih razloga za to je mogućnost da se F-V relacijom istrovremeno procenjuje sila (F), brzina (V) i snaga (P) mišićnih kapaciteta, što nije slučaj kod jednozglobnih pokreta koji se često primenjuju u rutinskim testiranjima. Cilj ove disertacije je bio da istraži (1) oblik i jačinu F-V relacije kod različitih mišićnih grupa koji se zasnivaju na višezglobnim pokretima, pri tom da (2) uporedi vrednosti dobijene iz srednjih (SV) i maksimalnih (MAX) varijabli F i V, a zatim da (3) ispita parametre sile, brzine i snage koji predstavljaju mehanička svojstva testiranih mišića, kao i da (4) proceni nivo slaganja između standardnog regresionog modela baziranog na više različitih opterećenja i modela dva opterećenja, koji se zasniva na direktnoj proceni F-V relacije na osnovu samo dva opterećenja. U ovoj disertaciji uzorak je činilo 12 ispitanika koji su izvodili četiri motorička testa sa različitim veličinama opterećenja: Skok uvis sa počučnjem (SKOK), Kratki Vingejt test u trajanju 6 s (BICIKL), Izbačaj tega sa grudi (IZBAČAJ) i Vučenje tega (VUČENJE). Zatim je primenjena linearna regresija na SV i MAX vrednostima varijabli F i V kako bi se odredila linearna F-V relacija i regresioni parametri. Dobijene individualne F-V relacije su bile veoma visoke (medijane koeficijenata korelacije imale su vrednosti od 0.930 do 0.995) i približno linearne nezavisno od testa i tipa varijabli. Parametri relacije dobijeni iz SV i MAX vrednosti varijabli F i V su bili visoko povezani kod svih testova (0.789-0.991), osim delom kod testa SKOK (0.485-0.930). Ipak, generalizacija parametara dobijenih iz F-V relacije bila je nekonzistenta i u proseku umerena...By knowing the mechanical properties of muscles we can better understand the function of the locomotor system and also be able to evaluate the outcomes of various athletic training and rehabilitation procedures. Everyday human motor activity is inevitably based on the multi-joint movements. The force-velocity (F-V) relationship of the muscles performing multi-joint maximum performance tasks has been often used to evaluate the mechanical properties of the tested muscles. An important reason for that is the possibility to selectively assess the force (F), velocity (V) and power (P) generating capacities of muscles performing functional movements that cannot be assessed from a single mechanical condition typically applied in routine testing procedures. The aims of the present study were to (1) investigate the pattern and strength of the F-V relationships observed in different muscle group based on multi-joint movements, (2) compare the outcomes observed from averaged (AVG) and maximum (MAX) F and V variables, (3) explore the parameters depicting F, V and P producing capacities of the tested muscles, and (4) evaluate the level of agreement between the routinely used “multiple-load model” based on a number of loading conditions and a simple “two-load model” based on direct assessment of the F–V relationship from only 2 external loads applied. Twelve subjects were tested on the maximum performance countermovement vertical jumps without arm swing (JUMP), short Wingate test (CYCLING), bench press throws (BPRESS), and bench pulls (BPULL) performed against different external resistances. Thereafter, a linear regression obtained from both the AVG and MAX F and V variables was used for calculating the F-V relationship and its regression parameters. The observed individual force–velocity relationships were exceptionally strong (median correlation coefficients ranged from r = 0.930 to r = 0.995) and approximately linear independently of the test and variable type. Most of the relationship parameters observed from the averaged and maximum force and velocity variable types were strongly related in all tests (r = 0.789-0.991), except partly for those in JUMP (r = 0.485-0.930)..

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