The effect of environmental potential of a locality on biological and antioxidant properties of pinot noir grapevine variety (Vitis vinifera L.)


Biološko svojstvo sorte da daje kvalitetno vino je početni potencijal koji sa ekološkim karakteristikama i kompleksom agrotehničkih mera predstavlja najbitnije činioce uspeha u vinogradarskoj proizvodnji. Poznato je da ne samo različite sorte vinove loze daju vina koja se razlikuju po aromi već i iste sorte mogu dati različita vina u zavisnosti od mesta gde se gaje. Razlike između lokaliteta gajenja sagledive kroz osobine zemljišta i mikroklimatske uslove rezultiraju proizvodnjom grožđa različitih svojstava. Ta različitost se ogleda i u vinima koja poprimaju karakter područja u kome je sorta gajena i grožđe proizvedeno. Saznanje da se na različitim tipovima zemljišta i različitim klimatskim uslovima od iste sorte proizvode različiti stilovi vina je osnova na kojoj se zasniva koncept terroir-a. U vinogradarskim zemljama Evrope, terroir je opšte prihvaćen pojam, koji dovodi u vezu senzorne osobine vina sa uslovima područja gde je proizvedeno grožđe. Praktično terroir je veza između kvalitativnih osobina vina i geografskog porekla. U ovim istraživanjima praćen je uticaj klime i zemljišta kao najvažnijih elemenata terroir-a na biološka i antioksidativna svojstva sorte vinove loze Burgundac crni (Vitis vinifera L.) u periodu 2009-2011. godina u dva regiona. Prvi region je u Centralnoj Srbiji (lokalitet Radmilovac - 44o 45' 24,66" N; 20o 34' 54,50" E, 153 m nadmorske visine), a drugi region je u Vojvodini (lokalitet Vršac - 45o 8' 40,80" N; 21º 24' 7,97" E, 199 m nadmorske visine). Umereno - blaga padina karakteristična je za oba lokaliteta. Istraživanja su obuhvatila celokupnu površinu od 5665,25 m2 na lokalitetu Radmilovac i 4792,86 m2 na lokalitetu Vršac. Na ispitivanim lokalitetima sorta Burgundac crni gajena je na podlozi Berlandieri x Riparia Kober 5BB. Na lokalitetu Radmilovac rastojanje je bilo 3 x 1 m, a na lokalitetu Vršac 3 x 0,8 m. U 2009. godini na oba lokaliteta izvršeno je pozicioniranje oglednih parcela GPS tehnologijom i formirana baza podataka u GIS-u. Na osnovu klimatskih karakteristika u višegodišnjem periodu (1982-2011. godina) koji je bio osnova za poređenje godina ispitivanja i dobijenih vrednosti za sedam najvažnijih vinogradarskih klimatskih indeksa (TK, HTK, WI, Tgs, HI, DI i CI) utvrđene su karakteristike klime ispitivanih lokaliteta...Biological characteristic of a cultivar, to give high quality grape and wine, is the potential which, together with the ecological characteristics of the region and combination of agro technical measures, represents the most important factors of success in the viticulture production. It is well known that not only the different varieties of vines can give wines that vary in flavor but the same variety can give different wines depending on the locality where it is grown. The differences between the vine growing regions are in the soil and microclimate conditions which result in the production of grapes with different characteristics. Those differences are reflected in the wines which take on the character of the area in which the variety of grapes vine was grown and produced. The concept of terroir is based on the fact that different soil types and different climatic conditions can give different types of wine from the same cultivar. Terroir is a widely accepted concept in the wine-growing countries in Europe, and it relates the sensory properties of wine with conditions of the area where the grapes are produced. Terroir basically represents a connection between the qualitative characteristics of wine and its geographic origin. This research was focused on the influence of climate and soil properties, as the most important elements of terroir, on the biological and antioxidant properties of grape cultivar Pinot Noir in the period from 2009-2011 in two Serbian regions: in Central Serbia (location Radmilovac - 44 o 45' 24.66" N; 20o 34' 54.50" E, 153 m a. s. l.) and in Vojvodina (location Vršac - 45o 8' 40.80" N; 21º 24' 7.97" E, 199 m a. s. l.). Both localities are characterized with mild slopes. The research covered an area of 0.57 ha at the location Radmilovac and 0.48 ha at the location Vršac. Pinot Noir cultivar was grown on Berlandieri x Riparia Kober 5BB rootstock at the both locations. In Radmilovac and Vršac, the distances were 3 x 1 m and 3 x 0.8 m, respectively. In 2009, positioning of experimental plots and sampling sites at both locations was done by using GPS technology and database was created in GIS. Based on the climate conditions recorded in a multi-annual period (1982-2011), which where the basis for the comparison of investigation years and the values of the seven most important viticulture climate indices (TK, HTK, WI, Tgs, HI, DI and CI), climatic characteristics of the studied sites where determined..

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