Stereo: editing clones refactored as code generators


International audienceClone detection is a largely mature technology able to detect many code duplications, also called clones, in software systems of practically any size. The classic approaches to clone management are either clone removal, which consists in refactoring clones as an available language abstraction, or clone tracking, using a so-called linked editor, able to propagate changes between clone instances. However, past studies have shown that clone removal is not always feasible due to the limited expressiveness of language abstractions, or not desirable because of the abstraction overhead or the risks inherent to the refactoring. Linked editors, on the other hand, provide costless abstraction at no risk, but have their own issues, such as limited expressiveness, scalability, and controllability. This paper presents a new approach in which clones are safely refactored as code generators, but the unmodified code is presented to the maintainers with the same look-and-feel as in a linked editor. This solution has good expressiveness, scalability, and controllability properties. A prototype such editor is presented along with a first application within an industrial project

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