Inflammatory bowel disease addressed by Caco-2 and monocyte-derived macrophages : an opportunity for an in vitro drug screening assay


Infammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a widespread disease, afecting a growing demographic. The treatment of chronic infammation located in the GI-tract is dependent on the severity; therefore, the IBD treatment pyramid is commonly applied. Animal experimentation plays a key role for novel IBD drug development; nevertheless, it is ethically questionable and limited in its throughput. Reliable and valid in vitro assays ofer the opportunity to overcome these limitations. We combined Caco-2 with monocyte-derived macrophages and exposed them to known drugs, targeting an in vitro-in vivo correlation (IVIVC) with a focus on the severity level and its related drug candidate. This co-culture assay addresses namely the intestinal barrier and the immune response in IBD. The drug efcacy was analyzed by an LPS-infammation of the co-culture and drug exposure according to the IBD treatment pyramid. Efcacy was defned as the range between LPS control (0%) and untreated co-culture (100%) independent of the investigated read-out (TEER, Papp, cytokine release: IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, TNF-α). The release of IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α was identifed as an appropriate readout for a fast drug screening (“yes–no response”). TEER showed a remarkable IVIVC correlation to the human treatment pyramid (5-ASA, Prednisolone, 6-mercaptopurine, and infiximab) with an R2 of 0.68. Similar to the description of an adverse outcome pathway (AOP) framework, we advocate establishing an “Efcacy Outcome Pathways (EOPs)” framework for drug efcacy assays. The in vitro assay ofers an easy and scalable method for IBD drug screening with a focus on human data, which requires further validation

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