Gamma-radiation-induced damage of proteins in the thick fraction of egg white


The 60Co gamma-ray irradiation of ovomucin based protein network of the thick fraction of egg white in the absence of oxygen causes both protein cross linking and protein fragmentation. Protein fragmentation in the absence of oxygen is interpreted as a consequence of decreased diffusion of protein radicals within the protein network. Both protein cross linking and fragmentation, are dose dependent processes, with fragmentation prevailing below 10-15 kGy, and cross linking prevailing at the radiation doses >15 kGy. The radiolytic behaviour of the thick fraction of egg white, suggests that gamma irradiation of similar mucine containing structures might also result in accumulation of structurally altered and conceivably non-functional proteins in vivo.Physical chemistry 2004 : 7th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 21-23 September 200

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