PKM pelatihan penulisan Karya Tulis Ilmiah pada HMJ Penjaskesrek FIK UNM


The problem of community service is as follows: the correct knowledge and understanding of scientific writing techniques (KTI) is not yet known by the administrators of HMJ Penjaskesrek FIK UNM Makassar. Therefore, through this Scientific Writing Writing training can provide an overview as well as knowledge about writing scientific papers correctly The activities of the community partnership program are divided into two activities, namely: (1) theoretical explanatory activities carried out for one day, namely explaining the correct scientific writing techniques, (2) practical activities, carried out for 3 days practicing directly writing techniques scientifically trained. The results of community service show that: what is proposed in the formulation of the problem can be carried out properly and directed. From the results of the implementation of this activity found the answer that the interest of the Board of Supervisors of the Department of Social and Political Sciences UNM to find out additional training knowledge on the rules of writing the latest scientific papers (KTI) was very high, even though in previous activities they had understood and mastered the material in the research methodology course. So that their enthusiasm in following the material, both at the time the theory and practice of the writing was maintained and never lowered their motivation in participating in the training activities because the training was considered very useful for themselves. Keywords: scientific writing, KT

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