160 p.Posterior a la firma del acuerdo de paz en la Habana, Colombia enfrenta toda una serie de ajustes que no solo afectan al dise?o institucional prevaleciente en el pa?s, sino que adem?s implica todo el re direccionamiento de una cultura pol?tica basada en la destrucci?n del ?otro?. Es bajo este contexto que la guerrilla m?s antigua del hemisferio occidental realiza su reincorporaci?n pol?tica.
La prevista apertura democr?tica a la que apelaba el acuerdo de paz ha implicado toda una serie de retos y desaf?os para los (ex) combatientes que optaron por realizar una reincorporaci?n colectiva no solo en la dimensi?n econ?mica, sino tambi?n pol?tica. Por tal raz?n, el objetivo de esta investigaci?n es comprender las caracter?sticas que adquiere la transici?n pol?tica del movimiento guerrillero FARC-EP al convertirse en un actor pol?tico convencional. Como t?cnica para la recolecci?n de datos se utiliz? las entrevistas individuales no estructuradas a (ex) combatientes del ETCR de Icononzo- Tolima.
Las conclusiones de esta investigaci?n se?alan que la transici?n pol?tica de las FARC- EP ha representado un avance en materia de acuerdos pol?ticos para el pa?s, sin embargo, ha sido un proceso que se ha dado de manera muy r?pida lo cual ha representado serias limitaciones para la consolidaci?n de un proyecto pol?tico viable.
Palabras claves: Transici?n pol?tica, FARC, partido pol?tico, construcci?n de paz, transformaci?n del conflicto.After the signing of the peace agreement in Havana, Colombia faces a series of adjustments that not only affect the prevailing institutional design in the country, but also imply the redirection of a political culture based on the destruction of the "another". It is in this context that the oldest guerrilla group in the Western Hemisphere carries out its political reincorporation.
The planned democratic opening to which the peace agreement called has involved a whole series of challenges and challenges for the (ex) combatants who chose to make a collective reinstatement not only in the economic but also in the political dimension. For this reason, the objective of this investigation is to understand the characteristics that the political transition of the FARC-EP guerrilla movement acquires when it becomes a conventional political actor. Unstructured individual interviews with (ex) combatants ETCR from Icononzo-Tolima were used as a technique for data collection.
The conclusions of this investigation indicate that the political transition of the FARC-EP has represented an advance in terms of political agreements for the country, However, it has been a very rapid process, which has represented serious limitations for the consolidation of a viable political project.
Keywords: Political transition, FARC, political party, peace building, conflict transformation