
Caracterizaci?n de los pacientes inscritos al programa de control de la hipertenci?n arterial del hospital San Carlos de Salda?a Tolima del 2015 al 2017


117 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLa hipertensi?n, tambi?n conocida como tensi?n arterial alta o elevada, es un trastorno en el que los vasos sangu?neos tienen una tensi?n persistentemente alta, lo que puede da?arlos. Cada vez que el coraz?n late, bombea sangre a los vasos, que llevan la sangre a todas las partes del cuerpo. La tensi?n arterial normal en adultos es de 120 mm Hg cuando el coraz?n late (tensi?n sist?lica) y de 80 mm Hg cuando el coraz?n se relaja (tensi?n diast?lica). Cuando la tensi?n sist?lica es igual o superior a 140 mm Hg y/o la tensi?n diast?lica es igual o superior a 90 mm Hg, la tensi?n arterial se considera alta o elevada. (12) La hipertensi?n arterial se constituye como la segunda enfermedad (diagnosticada) despu?s de la diabetes con mayor prevalencia entre los habitantes del municipio de Salda?a, Tolima, por lo tanto, la convierte en el factor de riesgo m?s importante para las enfermedades cardiovasculares que asociada con otros trastornos, aumenta de forma exponencial la probabilidad de padecer graves complicaciones de tipo card?aco, renal, neurol?gica o de cualquier otro sistema. (11) El objetivo de este estudio fue describir los factores sociodemogr?ficos, antecedentes relacionados con la patolog?a, como antecedentes familiares de Hipertensi?n Arterial y de otras comorbilidades, tratamiento recibido, h?bitos de vida; y percepci?n del programa de los pacientes. Se dise?? un estudio de tipo descriptivo, ya que su prop?sito se orient? a la identificaci?n de las caracter?sticas de la poblaci?n que asiste al programa de control de la Hipertensi?n Arterial de la IPS San Carlos E.S.E del municipio de Salda?a. Este estudio presento una poblaci?n de 98 pacientes analizados, con una edad promedio de 62.81 a?os (IC 95% 60.22 ? 65.39), de los cuales el 53.1% de los pacientes se concentr? en la edad de 60 a 79 a?os, la distribuci?n por sexos evidencio que 69.4% (IC 95%, 59.68 ? 77.64) de los casos fueron de sexo femenino, el 45.9% provienen del ?rea rural y el 52.3% tienen educaci?n b?sica primaria. Seg?n el estado civil de las personas el 68.4% de los pacientes viven con una pareja estable y el 98% pertenecen a los estratos I y II y est?n afiliados al r?gimen subsidiado de afiliaci?n en salud. Referente a los antecedentes familiares un 79.8% expresaron como antecedente familiar de gran importancia la Hipertensi?n Arterial y el 17.5% presentaban alg?n tipo cl?nico de Diabetes; y la evaluaci?n del tratamiento farmacol?gico a la patolog?a antihipertensiva evidencio que 98% casos consumen en la actualidad antihipertensivos, de los cuales el 83,7% lo consumen m?s de una vez al d?a y el 88.8% lo hace de acuerdo a la formulaci?n m?dica Palabras clave: Hipertensi?n arterial, descriptivo, tensi?n arterial.Hypertension, also known as high or high blood pressure, is a disorder in which the blood vessels have a persistently high blood pressure, which can damage them. Each time the heart beats, it pumps blood to the vessels, which carry blood to all parts of the body. Normal blood pressure in adults is 120 mm Hg when the heart beats (systolic tension) and 80 mm Hg when the heart relaxes (diastolic tension). When systolic blood pressure is equal to or greater than 140 mm Hg and / or diastolic blood pressure is equal to or greater than 90 mm Hg, blood pressure is considered high or high. (12) Hypertension is the second (diagnosed) disease after diabetes with the highest prevalence among the inhabitants of the municipality of Salda?a, Tolima, making it the most important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases that is associated with other disorders, Increases exponentially the probability of suffering serious cardiac, renal, neurological or other system complications. (11) The objective of this study was to describe sociodemographic factors, antecedents related to the pathology, such as family history of Arterial Hypertension and other comorbidities, treatment received, life habits; And patient perception of the program. A descriptive study was designed, since its purpose was oriented to the identification of the characteristics of the population that attends to the program of control of the Arterial Hypertension of the San Carlos E.S.E of the municipality of Salda?a. A descriptive study was designed, since its purpose was oriented to the identification of the characteristics of the population that attends to the program of control of the Arterial Hypertension of the San Carlos ESE of the municipality of Salda?a, according to the prioritized categories, Corresponding to sociodemographic characteristics, comorbidities and family history of the same. In this study, we presented a population of 98 patients analyzed, with a mean age of 62.81 years (95% CI 60.22 - 65.39), of which 53.1% of the patients were concentrated in the age group of 60 to 79 years, Sex, 69.4% (95% CI, 59.68 - 77.64) of the cases were female and 30.6% (CI 95%, 22.36 -40.32) were male, 45.9% of which came from the rural area and 52.3% % Have primary basic education. According to the civil status of the people, 68.4% of the patients live with a stable partner and 98% belong to strata I and II and are affiliated to the subsidized health affiliation regime. Regarding family history, 79.8% expressed high blood pressure and 17.5% had a clinical type of Diabetes; And the evaluation of the pharmacological treatment to the antihypertensive pathology evidenced that 98% of cases currently consume antihypertensive, of which 83.7% consume it more than once a day and 88.8% do it according to the medical formulation. Keywords: Hypertension, descriptive, blood pressure

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