Conductas disruptivas en el aula y desempe?o docente en la jornada tarde de la instituci?n educativa t?cnica general Roberto Leyva del Municipio de Salda?a Tolima
151 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl estudio de la disrupci?n en el aula en la jornada tarde de la Instituci?n Educativa T?cnica General Roberto Leyva del municipio de Salda?a Tolima, sede principal, es un tema relevante en la medida que existe una fuerte preocupaci?n de los docentes por la frecuente indisciplina en clase, que no les permite desarrollar su trabajo satisfactoriamente. Mediante el presente estudio, se pretende conocer c?mo las conductas disruptivas en el aula afectan el desempe?o del docente en el mencionado contexto escolar. Para desarrollar este trabajo, se identificaron las conductas disruptivas m?s frecuentes, su influencia en los aspectos del desempe?o docente y los estilos de afrontamiento de la disciplina por parte de estos docentes. Mediante el marco te?rico, se hizo una revisi?n de antecedentes internacionales, latinoamericanos y nacionales acerca del estudio de la disrupci?n escolar; y se estableci? la relaci?n entre los conceptos de conductas disruptivas, desempe?o y estilo docente, todo esto con base en el aporte de distintos autores.
Metodol?gicamente, con un enfoque mixto, se utiliz? la t?cnica del an?lisis documental aplicado a los observadores de los estudiantes tomando como l?mite de tiempo los dos primeros per?odos acad?micos, estableci?ndose una clasificaci?n en 5 tipos de conductas disruptivas, a las cuales se analiz? su frecuencia en cada uno de los 7 grados de la jornada tarde. As? mismo, para analizar el desempe?o y el estilo docente, se aplic? la t?cnica de la encuesta y, con instrumentos como la escala tipo Likert y el cuestionario con respuesta abierta, se recolect? la informaci?n proveniente de docentes, estudiantes, directivos docentes y orientadora escolar, que se tabul? mediante la herramienta inform?tica Microsoft Excel.
Las conductas disruptivas con mayor proporci?n fueron las del tipo evade clase, seguido de fomenta el desorden, no realiza las actividades, agresi?n f?sica y/o verbal y finaliza no sigue las reglas. Los resultados mostraron que los grados m?s disruptivos fueron los sextos y s?ptimos, y que lo eran menos los grados m?s adelantados; tambi?n, se evidenci? que los estudiantes en extra-edad tienen alta disrupci?n, al igual que aquellos de sexo masculino. En cuanto al desempe?o docente, tomando como referencia las competencias funcionales establecidas por el Ministerio de Educaci?n Nacional, fueron la planeaci?n, el tiempo y el uso de estrategias variadas, las que se afectan por la disrupci?n en el aula, la cual, tambi?n genera intenso nivel de estr?s en el docente. Al respecto de su estilo, si bien predominan caracter?sticas democr?ticas, tambi?n se conservan rasgos agresivos y permisivos, los cuales son desencadenantes de disrupci?n en el aula. Se concluye que este fen?meno, es un problema creciente en la jornada tarde de la instituci?n, provoca una disminuci?n de la eficiencia del trabajo docente y que ?l mismo, debe contribuir cambiando sus estrategias pedag?gicas para confrontar esta situaci?n. Se recomiendan mayores estudios en el tema de disciplina escolar y planes de formaci?n docente al respecto, lo que permitir? construir propuestas m?s avanzadas en este asunto.
Palabras Claves: Conductas disruptivas, convivencia escolar, disciplina escolar, desempe?o docente, estilo docenteThe study of classroom disruption in the afternoon journal of the Educational Institution Roberto Leyva from the municipality of Salda?a Tolima, headquarters, it is a relevant issue to extent that there is a strong concern of teachers about usual indiscipline in class that does not allow them to develop their work satisfactorily. Through the actual study, it is intended to know how disruptive behavior in the classroom affects the performance of the teacher in the aforementioned school context. In order to develop this work, the most fbrequent disruptive behaviors, their influence on the aspects of the teaching performance and the coping styles of the discipline by these teachers were identified. Through the theoretical framework, a review of international, Latin American and national background was made about the study of school disruption; and the relationship between the concepts of disruptive behavior, performance and teaching style was established, all this based on the contribution of different authors.
Methodologically, with a mixed approach, the technique of documentary analysis applied to the observers of the students was used, taking as a time limit the first two academic periods, establishing a classification in 5 types of disruptive behaviors, to which their frequency was analyzed. Each of the 7 degrees of the day late. Likewise, to analyze the performance and the teaching style, the survey technique was applied and, with instruments such as the Likert scale and the open response questionnaire, the information was collected from teachers, students, teaching directors and school counselor, which was tabulated using the Microsoft Excel computer tool.
Disruptive behaviors with a higher amount were those of the type who miss class, followed by fostering disorder, not performing activities, physical and / or verbal aggression and ending not following the rules. The results showed that the most disruptive grades were sixth and seventh grades, and that the most advanced grades were less; also, it was evidenced that the students in extra-age have high disruption, as well as those of masculine sex. Regarding the teaching performance, taking as reference the functional competences established by the National Ministry of Education, were the planning, time and the use of many strategies, which are affected by the disruption in the classroom, which also generates intense stress level to the teacher.
Regarding his style, although democratic characteristics predominate, aggressive and permissive traits are also preserved, which are triggers of disruption in the classroom. It is concluded that this phenomenon, is a growing problem in the late day of the institution, it causes a decrease in the efficiency of teaching work to himself, it also must contribute by changing their pedagogical strategies to confront this situation. Further studies are recommended in the subject of school discipline and teacher training plans in this regard, which will allow to build more advanced proposals in this matter.
Keywords: Disruptive behaviors, school coexistence, school discipline, teaching performance, teaching style