
La medida en que habito


31 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl proyecto experimenta distintas etapas durante su desarrollo, van desde la exploraci?n-observaci?n, recolecci?n-selecci?n, y la construcci?n-interacci?n; mediante dichas acciones se descubre el factor clave y es la relaci?n con el espacio, una necesidad inconsciente en el cuidado y transformaci?n del mismo; habilidad que seg?n Careri solo les pertenece y es condici?n propia de los ?sedentarios?, ya que para ?l mismo autor, los n?madas carecen de tal capacidad por su condici?n de transitoriedad en los espacios. En su primera etapa denominada Exploraci?n-Observaci?n, el espacio escogido para interactuar fue la universidad, pues consideraba que era mi entorno inmediato, sin embargo, dichos espacios resultaron tan grandes que no me permitieron reconocer mi identidad dentro de ellos, por tal raz?n, el lugar objeto de intervenci?n se redujo a mi casa, mi lugar m?s ?ntimo objeto de transformaci?n constante. Igualmente, fue necesario indagar, investigar, encontrar una base te?rica que permitiera dar base, al menos conceptual y comprender la raz?n que motiv? intervenir experimentalmente mi espacio; grandes autores aparecieron Manel Margalef, Francesco Careri, Michel De Certau, Jean Baudrillard, entre otros, todos ofrecieron conceptos, algunos adopte y otros refute, principalmente el nomadismo de Careri, t?rmino que permite la construcci?n de este proyecto. Finalmente, en su tercera etapa, denominada construcci?n-interacci?n apropi? los espacios abandonados y a trav?s de elementos elaborados con base en papel desechado, intervine mediante escenas y/o im?genes propias del lugar a trav?s de grafismos o dibujo figurativo, en dicho momento alimente mi trabajo con referentes claves, Leon Ferrari, Slikanchu, quienes con sus grafismo y escritura deformada me permit?a hacer los dibujos para los lugares que interven?a.The project undergoes various stages during its development, ranging from explorationobservation, collection-selection, and construction-interaction; through these actions the key factor is discovered and the relationship with space, an unconscious need care and transformation thereof; Careri skill as theirs and only own condition of "sedentary" as for himself author, nomads lack such capacity for their condition transience in the spaces. In its first stage called Scan-Observation, the space chosen to interact was the university, considering that was my immediate environment, however, those spaces were so great that did not allow me to recognize my identity within them, for that reason, place for intervention fell to my house, my most intimate place under constant transformation. Similarly, it was necessary to investigate, investigate, find a theoretical basis that would give base, at least conceptually and understand the reason behind intervene experimentally my space; Manel Margalef great authors appeared, Francesco Careri, Michel De Certeau, Jean Baudrillard, among others, all offered concepts, some adopted and others refute mainly nomadism of Careri, a term that allows the construction of this project. Finally, in its third stage, called construction-interaction appropriated abandoned and through elements developed based on wastepaper spaces, interved by scenes and / or own images of the site through graphics or figurative drawing, at that time feed my job with key referents, Leon Ferrari, Slikanchu, who with their distorted graphics and writing allowed me to make drawings for places that intervened. Keywords: space, drawing, dwelling, nomadic, anarchitects

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