
Competencias ambientales


89 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEn este trabajo investigativo se analizan aspectos ambientales en consideraci?n de los recursos que se encuentran en nuestro planeta, el desarrollo de problemas en la educaci?n ambiental y algunas de las acciones cruciales que conducen a su soluci?n de los impactos que hay en el ambiente. Se informa que el trabajo se realiz? a la instituci?n educativa Le?nidas Rubio Villegas en Ibagu?-Tolima a los estudiantes de bachillerato desarrollando un conjunto de preguntas que involucraron al individuo con su entorno. Durante su implementaci?n, los estudiantes trabajaron de forma individual y luego se realiza un debate sobre el mismo, presentado y definiendo sus ideas frente al grupo completo como resultado de cr?ticas y opiniones que se dieron durante la clase. En este contexto, los estudiantes exhibieron diferentes niveles de entendimiento que les permitieron ir comprendiendo las ideas fundamentales asociadas con la soluci?n de problem?ticas ambientales y el cuidado del medio ambiente.In this investigative work we analyze environmental aspects in consideration of the resources that are found on our planet, the development of problems in environmental education and some of the crucial actions that lead to their solution of the impacts that are in the environment. It is reported that the work was done to the Leonidas Rubio Villegas educational institution in Ibague-Tolima to high school students by developing a set of questions that involved the individual with their environment. During their implementation, students worked individually and then held a discussion about the same, presented and defined their ideas in front of the whole group as a result of criticism and opinions that occurred during the class. In this context, students exhibited different levels of understanding that allowed them to understand the fundamental ideas associated with solving environmental problems and taking care of the environment. Keywords: Natural resources, environment, environmental education, environmental competences, solution of environmental impacts, compression and reasoning of the bloke

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