New site with vertebrate footprints from the Upper Buntsandstein of the Holy Cross Mountains, Central Poland


Vertebrate footprints are abundant in the Buntsandstein of the Holy Cross Mountains (central Poland) and have been documented in numer-ous publications. A new site vertebrate trackside has been discovered in near Suchedniów. Chirotheriidae (Synaptichnium sp., Chirotherium barthii, and Brachychirotherium sp.), Rhynchosauroidae (Rhynchosauroides sp.), and probably amphibian footprints (cf. Capitosauroides sp.) are reported from the lower part of the Upper Buntsandstein Baranów Formation (complex of different fluvial deposits) exposed at Kopulak quarry. Differentiated invertebrate ichnofossils (Cruziana problematica, Scoyenia sp., Palaeophycus sp., Skolithos sp., Lockeia sp., and cf. Gordia sp.) and plant remains have been also found in this site. Three types of vertebrate subaqueous traces (footprints of swimming animals) are identified: (1) swim traces - structures preserved as digits or claws scratches; (2) partially preserved pes or manus imprints; (3) other enigmatic traces -referred to as “problematic forms”

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