Change of Ultrasound Energy Amount Put Into Sewage Sludge Depending on their Content of Dry Mass


Despite of many studies on the use of ultrasonic disintegration for sewage sludge conditioning, have not yet been generally accepted indicators to choose the best parameters of used ultrasound to assist in the process of dewatering sludge. Still the most important issue is to adjust proper quantities of introduced energy depending on the characteristic parameters of sewage sludge. The publication presents the results of studies which purpose was to determine the relation of ultrasound energy introduced during sonification of sewage sludge with variable contents of their dry mass. Based on the survey and after analysis of the results, we can conclude that the amount of ultrasound energy introduced into the sewage sludge depends strictly on the content of their dry mass. Together with the increase of dry matter content, grows the amount of energy introduced into sludge. Regardless of the used disintegrator’s power for sonification, for each analyzed amplitude, together with increasing exposure time, density of energy increased nonlinearly. For sludge treated sonification at a specific time, value of this parameter was also changing nonlinearly to the size of used amplitude. The greater the value of the amplitude, the quantity of energy introduced had higher values

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