Rusults of Classical Crawford and Hybrid Operations in Thoracic-Abdominal Aorta Aneursysms Treatment - Comperative Assesment


Thoracic-abdominal aortic aneurysms (TAAA) are still serious medical problem. Classical procedure requires two cavities approach and implantation of vascular prosthetic in the place of aneurysm - Crawford's procedure. Significant progress was made during last years by using endovascular procedures (stentgrafts). Alternative is hybrid procedure - prosthetic appliance of visceral and kidney arteries and then stentgraft implantation in whole thoracic-abdominal aorta.The aim of the study was comparative analysis of classical and hybrid procedures in thoracic-abdominal aneurysms treatment.Material and methods. Between 1989-2011 in Department of Vascular, General and Transplantological Surgery Medical University in Wrocław and Surgical Department of 4th Military Clinical Hospital in Wrocław 53 patients were operated due to thoracic-abdominal aortic aneurysms. Classical Crawford's procedure was performed in 41 patients (group I) and hybrid procedure was performed in 12 patients (group II). Additionally 7 patients required aortic arc branches reconstruction due to achieve optimal conditions to stentgraft amplantation. Procedures were performed at one or two stages.Results. Mortality in patients treated classically (group I) depended on type of aneurysm in Crawford's classification. In type I-II mortality rate was 54% ((7 deaths/12 patients), in type III do V 17% (5 deaths/ 29 patients). In the group after hybrid procedure (group II) mortality rate was 28% (2 deaths/ 7 patients) in type I-II and 20% (1 death/5 patients) in type III to V. Observed serious perioperative complications.Conclusions. 1. Endovascular procedures development enabled introducing of new methods in thoracic-abdominal aortic aneurysms treatment (hybrid procedures) and allowed to get better results. 2. Clear advantage of hybrid procedures above classical Crawford's procedure is observed in type I and II of TAAA. 3. Mortality and morbidity rates recommend hybrid procedure in type I and II of TAAA. 4. Surgical results of classical and hybrid procedures in type III-V TAAA treatment are comparative, with indication on classical approach

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