Assessment of water quality Index for groundwater in Ado Ekiti, Nigeria


This research focuses on the ground water quality index in Ado-Ekiti State, Nigeria. Groundwater sample wells were randomly collected and their spatial locations captured using a handheld GPS. Water samples were taken from 45 wells and their physio-chemical properties were analyzed in the laboratory. Spatial distribution maps of the water quality parameters were then developed. Herein, the Kriging method of interpolation from geospatial analyst wizard in Esri ArcGIS software was deployed in the generation of thematic maps of water quality parameters. A drinking water quality index was subsequently developed to describe the overall quality of groundwater in the study area. Laboratory analysis of 34 wells showed water of acceptable use as it conforms to WHO standard, while 11 wells were found to have unsuitable water for domestic use. The results further show spatial variation in the water quality. The south central depicts poor water quality, fair water quality in the south-east, while the North, north east, north-west down to the south west depicted the best water quality

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