Ocena fluencji literalnej i kategorialnej u osób z chorobą Parkinsona po przebytym zabiegu ablacyjnym gałki bladej


Pallidotomy (PVP – posteroventral pallidotomy), in which a tiny part of the globus pallidus is destroyed, represents one of the most popular methods for improving the functioning of patients suffering on Parkinson’s disease (PD). Cognitive impairment is supposed to be an outcome following Unilateral Stereotatic Pallidotomy. Many reasearches have shown some deficits in verbal fluency ensuing left pallidotomy. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate latter and category fluency in patients with PD after pallidotomy. Methods: 20 patients with PD after pallidotomy (12 after right and 8 after left pallidotomy) (group 1). The results were compared with 2 control groups – healthy controls (group 2) and patients with PD treated with pharmacotherapy (gropu 3). Assessments were conducted three times, before, just after and about two years after PVP. An experimental method to evaluate word fluency (letter and category) was used

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