White-matter microstructural changes in episodic menstrual migraine compared with hormonal controls


Question: Do patients with episodic menstrual migraine exhibit white-matter microstructural changes? Methods: 14 women with episodic menstrual migraine (35±8yrs) were assessed during interictal phase together with 11 healthy women (29±10yrs) during a matching phase of their menstrual cycle (post-ovulation). 2D-EPI multi-shell DWI data were acquired on a 3T Siemens Vida (64-ch coil) and preprocessed using DESIGNER [1]. Diffusion tensor / kurtosis imaging (DTI/DKI) parameter maps were estimated and skeletonised [2] and histogram-metrics were computed for each subject: median, peak height, width, and value. Results: Voxelwise statistical analysis [3] revealed multiple whitematter regions with lower MD and AD in patients, with no differences in FA and RD. Interestingly, migraineurs showed increased MK, AK and RK. Moreover, significant groups differences (Mann- Whitney test with Bonferroni correction) were found in histogram-metrics MD peak value, AD median and peak height and AK median. Median AK was positively associated (Spearman correlation) with disease duration but not with attack frequency and pain intensity. Conclusion: Our findings extended previous reports of whitematter microstructural changes in migraineurs across multiple brain regions [4, 5]. DKI histogram-metrics showed potential as disease biomarkers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

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