Experimental determination of velocity profile in a rectangular channel


Badania zrealizowane na potrzeby niniejszego artykułu miały na celu eksperymentalną ocenę wpływu typowego elementu armatury instalacyjnej oraz wartości turbulencji przepływu na wyznaczanie długość odcinka prostego pozwalającego na stabilizację strugi przepływającego płynu.The research reported in this article was concerned with experimental evaluation of the effect of installation of a typical element of armature and the level of flow turbulence on the length of the straight tube section needed for the development of fluid flow. In order to carry out the tests, an experimental setup was built, which main element consists of a steel channel through which ambient air is delivered inside the installation. The channel has a square cross-section and length of 160 mm. Along this channel, a system of three 30o elbows was installed and combined to form a single 90° segmented bend. With the purpose of assessing the flow disturbance at specified distances from the flow obstruction, it was necessary to determine the velocity profile of the fluid flow in the channel. This goal applied a measuring system comprising a Pitot tube connected to a linear module. This setup provided the measurements of the velocity along the entire section of the channel with the measurement space traversed with a step equal to 2mm

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