Recent development in heavy duty engine air filtration and the role of nanofiber filter media


The development of an engine air filter is based on filter performance requirements, vehicle 's operational environment, available space, filter media properties, and production technology. The design process includes analyses of theoretical and empirical models describing filter media performance and aerosol flow in filter housings and through filter elements. Filter media are carefully selected based upon these models and simplified laboratory tests. The filter element design is evaluated in great detail through a series of laboratory and field experiments. The role of the engine air induction system has increased because of recent engine exhaust particulate and evaporative emission regulations. Engine lifetime, engine emission and fuel consumption depend on the air induction system design and its performance. Providing optimized solutions for these requirements dictates filter development trends. This drives the need for smaller, more compact filters and more efficient filter media with higher permeability. The efficiency can be drastically improved by applying a layer of nanofibers to a cellulose or synthetic substrate. The ISO fractional efficiency test method, that in its final stage of development, can clearly show the advantage of nanofiber filter media. This paper discusses air cleaner design including the newest in-line reduced volume air cleaners and the role of nanofiber filter media in engine air filtration

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