Further Problems in the Integration of Anglo-French Loanwords


The present study in a way continues an earlier article by the present writer entitled “Problems in the integration of Anglo-French loanwords” (Diensberg 2011: 109–145). That article dealt with the phonological reception of Old French loanwords. It focussed on the structures vowel plus -ff, -fl, -ft, which are mostly due to borrowing from French (including Latin and Greek) and, occasionally, from other Germanic languages or dialects. Their position and ultimately their integration in the Middle English phonological system will be examined. The structures vowel plus -ff, -fl, -ft may be at most peripheral within native word stock (see Muthmann 2002: 64b; 107c–108c; 264c–265b). Here, loanwords of the structure -er + C- 4 -ar + C- are discussed

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