Variability of seed characteristics in different types of cultivars of common flax Linum usitatissimum L.


Celem pracy było wykazanie zmienności morfologicznej różnych typów odmian lnu zwyczajnego. Przebadano nasiona czterech odmian: oleistej, włóknistej pośredniej i ozdobnej. Doświadczenia prowadzono w latach 2005 i 2008, różniących się warunkami pogodowymi. Analizowano wielkość nasion oraz ich liczbę w torebce i MTN. W latach badań największe nasiona miała odmiana ozdobna, cechowała się też ona najmniejszą ich liczbą. U wszystkich typów odmian długość, szerokość i liczba nasion były podobne, natomiast grubość i MTN osiągnęły znacznie większe wartości w 2008 roku, pomimo suszy przypadającej na wschody lnu oraz w okresie jego dojrzewania. Spośród badanych cech nasion najbardziej zmienną była ich liczba w torebce.The aim of the study was to show morphological variation in seeds of different types of common flax cultivars. Four cultivars were analysed: oil-bearing, fibrous, intermediate and ornamental. Field experiments were conducted in two growing seasons, in 2005 and 2008, differing in weather conditions. The experiments were conducted in Poznań, in 3 replications for each cultivar. Seed length, width and thickness, as well as the number of seeds in the capsule and 1000 seed weight were analyzed. A total number of 30 such measurements were taken for each of the replications. The biggest length, width and thickness of seeds were found for the ornamental cultivar in both years of the experiment. The fibrous cultivar always had the shortest seeds. Different distributions were found for the other two parameters depending of the year of the study. The number of seeds per capsule was always the smallest in the ornamental cultivar. In the first year of the study it was the biggest in the fibrous cultivar and in 2008 – in the oil-bearing cultivar. The biggest 1000 seed weight was found each year for the ornamental cultivar, while the smallest, in the first year – in the fibrous cultivar, and in the next year – in the intermediate cultivar. In 2008, despite drought experienced during the emergence of flax plants and in the time of ripening, on average more seeds were formed in capsules. The mean of 1000 seed weight was also higher. The length and width of seeds were less variable traits in the second year of the study, while the other parameters were characterized by better stability in the first year. Among the investigated seed characteristics the seed number per capsule was the most variable

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