Automatic control system for an oil-hydraulic actuator of a scissor lift


Lifting equipment’s have the purpose to lift goods within their safe working load and design rules specified in standards. However, some applications require additional care regarding handling the load when this care is out of the standard’s specifications. This paper presents the control and supervision system development of a scissor lift table, which should ensure, during its motion, that the vertical speed is constant. This lift table is working alongside a system for handling boxes composed by 3 entry conveyors and 1 exit conveyor. In this work, it was carried out the study of the direct and inverse kinematics to obtain the equations of position, speed and force for the oil-hydraulic actuator and the applicability of Denavit-Hartenberg’s algorithm for these equations. It was proposed a hydraulic circuit, with the selection of the main hydraulic components and the design of the oil-hydraulic actuator (a cylinder) with the magnetostrictive transducer as well. A programmable logical controller was selected, as well as the sensors and actuators for the conveyor system and a program was developed which allows to automatically control the system. The lift table’s velocity control is done by equations which define an oil flow profile of the hydraulic cylinder, which ensures a constant vertical speed of the lift table. To improve the control of the system, initial and final flow ramps were added to the equations, with reduced oil flow at the target height. It was observed that the use of Denavit-Hartenberg’s algorithm revealed to be limited, on which it was necessary to use other calculation methods to obtain the equations of speed and force. However, the proposed oil-hydraulic circuit, as well as the developed speed control, allow the control of the lift table’s position and

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