Przywry ptaków Dolnego Śląska. IV. Przedstawiciele rodzaju Mosesia [Pleurogenidae, Trematoda] - nowy element parazytofauny ptaków wróblowatych Dolnego Śląska


Illustrated descriptions of Mosesia pavlovskii, M. sittae and M. microsoma have been presented. These species have been described for the first time in Poland, and two of them - M. sittae and M. microsoma - have not been know in Europe until now. Motacilla flava, Turdus philomelos and T. merula are new hosts of these trematodes. M. sittae has been recognized as an autochthonous species - completing its life cycle in the climatic conditions of Lower Silesia. As for the other two species, the author supposes that their invasion has been connected with the birds' migrations or wintering

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