Modern system of control of tram vehicle at minimum electric energy consumption


The paper deals with the tram vehicle control according to the criterion of the minimum use of the electric energy. The calculations and investigations show that for the given interstop distance and the ride time (the given time-table, the same average speed), the different types of the tram traffic are possible. The optimization of the tram vehicle run consists in determination of duration of the starting phase, the running with the constant speed, the coasting stage and the braking phase in order to attain the minimum electric energy use. Within the framework of the tram traffic in the city conditions, various disturbances can appear. In this paper, the influence of the local and global limitations of the vehicle speed on the values of the energy consumption is analysed. The local velocity reductions can appear both in the initial part of the ride and inside the interstop traffic. An application of power electronics devices makes possible the realization of the recuperation of the electric energy during the tram vehicle braking. The paper deals also with comparison of the values of the energy consumption at various disturbances of the tram traffic and for two different cases, when the energy recovery during the braking exists or doesn't occur. For every type of the tram ride, the duration of the individual phases of the traffic is calculated with the aim of achievement the minimum electric energy use. The suitable energy optimum control of the tram vehicle at various perturbations of the city traffic can ensure the electric energy savings equal to even 30 %

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