Yesterday, today and future of hydrogeology at the Polish Geological Institute


The Polish hydrogeology had started its development at the end of the 19th century, before Poland was liberated. The needs for country restoration after the world war and for ensuring water supply for communities and industry required construction of many water intakes and water reservoirs. On the other hand, the development of ore deposits, e.g. hard coal seams, needed dewatering of mines and quarries. The Polish pioneer hydrogeologist was R. Rosłoński (1880-1956). He organized the Hydrology Department at the Polish Geological Institute (PGI) in 1919. After World War II, the Hydrogeology and Engineering Department was established at the Geological Institute in Warsaw. Dozent F. Rutkowski was the head of the unit for more than 10 years. Professors C. Kolago, J. Malinowski, A. Różkowski and B. Paczyński introduced in practice a number of hydrogeological studies, including hydrogeological cartography, groundwater resource balances, recognition of groundwater resources of well fields and hydrogeological units of Poland, mining hydrogeology, and the principles of groundwater protection in Poland. Hydrogeological data banks were also first introduced at the PGI. The last 20 years of hydrogeology at the PGI were strongly connected with Poland's accession to the European Union and with the implementation of European directives to the water management system in practice. For this reason, the state hydrogeological survey has been established at the PGI

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