Anti-Jeżycjada? What Are the Characteristics of Novels for Girls and About Girls – Based on the Example of Fanfik (2016) by Natalia Osińska?


The aim of this article is to present trends in the latest literature about puberty of YA for girls against the background of the tradition of this literature genre. The main area of interest covers novels from the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. The description of the characteristic development lines of this genre is the background for the analysis of novel Fanfik by Natalia Osińska from 2016. This novel is written using affective poetics toolbox. As a result the model of affective literature, specific reading practices and performative function of young adult is obtained. The authors of analyzed novel start from their own affects, experiences and observations and reach to the subject, teenage audiences, enabling not only a better understanding of the world and other people, but also they convey various, culturally supported, though not easy to implement decision models. The world presented in the novel is not always a friendly one and often controversial. Characters’ behaviour is not obvious but a thought-provoking axiological proposition. An important point of this article is presenting Fanfik as aconscious and ostentatious referencing to traditional presentation of puberty in cycle of the novels by Małgorzata Musierowicz “Jeżycjada”

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