Concept and Significance of Repeatability and Reproducibility


U ovom radu su prikazani pojmovi i značajke mjerne ponovljivosti r i mjerne obnovljivosti R na osnovi međunarodne norme ISO 5725-1986 (E), uz kritički osvrt. Prikazano je značenje i primjena kriterija mjerne ponovljivosti i mjerne obnovljivosti u usporedbenim mjerenjima. U geodetskim mjerenjima ti kriteriji preciznosti do sada nisu primjenjivani, no sigurno je da postoje interesantne mogućnosti njihove primjene.This work presents the notions and characteristics of the repeatability r and reproducibility R of measurement with a critical view. The meaning and application of the criteria of the repeatability and reproducibility of measurement in comparison measurements are elaborated. In geodesic measurements these precision criteria have not been applied so fare, although it is certain that there are interesting possibilities of their application

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