Raster Oriented GIS and Digital Image Processing


Opisane su značajke geografskih informacijskih sustava (GIS). Izdvojena su dva osnovna pristupa za prikaz prostornih komponenti geografskih informacija: vektorski model i rasterski model. Detaljno je opisan rasterski model s rasterski strukturiranom geometrijom. Dat je usporedni prikaz vektorskog GIS-a (vektorski strukturirana geometrija) i rasterski orijentiranog GIS-a, pri čemu su navedene njihove prednosti i nedostaci. Opisane su digitalne snimke i njihovo procesiranje, kao jedan od najvažnijih izvora podataka za rasterski GIS.The paper reviews the main features of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). There are two fundamental approaches to the representation of the spatial component of geographic information: the vector model and the raster model. The raster model, a raster structured geometry, is described in detail. The comparison of vectorial GIS (vector structured geometry) and raster oriented GIS, as well as its advantages and disadvantages is also presented. Digital images and digital image processing, as one of the most important sources of information for raster GIS are described

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