NICER observations of MAXI J1820+070 suggest a rapidly-brightening black hole X-ray binary in the hard state


NICER observed the new X-ray transient MAXI J1820+070 (ATel #11399, #11400, #11403, #11404, #11406, #11418, #11420, #11421) on multiple occasions from 2018 March 12 to 14. & nbsp;During this time the source brightened rapidly, from a total NICER mean count rate of 880 count/s on March 12 to 2800 count/s by March 14 17:00 & nbsp;UTC, corresponding to a change in 2-10 keV modelled flux (see below) from 1.9E-9 to 5E-9 erg cm-2 s-1. & nbsp; The broadband X-ray spectrum is absorbed by a low column density (fitting the model given below, we obtain 1.5E21 cm-2), in keeping with the low Galactic column in the direction of the source (ATel #11418; Dickey & Lockman, 1990, ARAA, 28, 215; Kalberla et al. 2005, A &A, 440, 775) and consists of a hard power-law component with weak reflection features (broad iron line and narrow 6.4 keV line core) and an additional soft X-ray component

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