Forming the ICT competency of future pedagogues under informational-educational environment at University


The article views the opportunities of forming the competency in the sphere of informationalcommunicational technologies (further − ICT competency) of future pedagogues under informational-educational environment at university. The stages of forming the ICT competency are substantiated, as well as tasks and content for each stage, methods and forms used. Special attention is paid to preparing the future pedagogues to organization of the educational process, based on activity approach and use of information-communicational technologies. When forming the ICT competency of future pedagogues, the great role belongs to the informational-educational environment at university, faculty, department and discipline, where the educational process takes place. The university professors must comprehend the need and efficiency of using modern information and pedagogical technologies in educational process, as well as the specificity of organizational forms of working with electronic educational resources. As an example of forming the ICT competency of future pedagogues, the article presents the experience of projecting the content of a discipline “Informational technologies in education” for Bachelors majoring in “Pedagogical education” and a discipline “Informational technologies in professional activity” for the future Masters of Pedagogy. The content of these disciplines was designed by the authors for the students of Nizhniy Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after Kozma Minin.Keywords: ICT competency of a pedagogue, informational-educational environment, professional standard of a pedagogue, project activit

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