Prevention and therapy of periodontal diseases and oral malodour:Brush, rinse and cool


Periodontitis is one of the two most important oral diseases that contributes to the global burden of chronic disease, the prevalence of which increases with age and represents a significant burden to public health. Maintaining a healthy oral cavity involves the prevention and therapy of gingival inflammation and dental caries. Oral malodour may have a negative impact upon an individual’s quality of life, confidence, speech, oral health and overall well-being. The reported prevalence of oral malodour ranges widely. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the different uses of water or rinses in relation to brushing, rinsing and cooling in preventing and treating periodontal diseases and oral malodour. The efficacy of toothbrushing is assessed using dental plaque scores; the clinical parameters of gingivitis and periodontal inflammation are also included. Oral malodour is measured by the organoleptic score and volatile sulphur compounds are measured using two specific apparatuses. Patient reported outcomes related to the various interventions are also evaluated

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